Display name and Usernames

Uniqueness could be added to your account with the help of a username and it could not be changed. If a friend of yours desires to connect with you. He or she must have your correct username or else it would not be possible for him or her to search and find you. The usernames are made up of the numbers, letters, underscores (_) and periods (.). If a person observes something which seems to be a username but do not have the characters which are mentioned before then it may be a Display name.

The name which appears on the chat lists of the friends of the users while having a personal chat or in the information screen of a group chat. These names could be easily changes at any point of time and could consist of different characters, letters, numbers as well as emojis.

How to find the username of a friend?

Many of your friends on the social networks could be seen having a kik username. It is sometimes difficult to find your friend if you don’t know his or her username. Here are some easy ways of finding a friend’s username-

By tapping on the display name which could be seen at the top of a chat.

  • Usernames could be seen in a grey color font and in a smaller size, right below the display name.
  • If, a friend has sent you a message but his or her username is unknown to you simply click on the ‘view profile’ option.

The steps to get username of a person you have blocked

Blocking is also common among the users of social network. So, if you have blocked a person and want to know his or her username just follow these steps-

  • Tap on the settings.
  • Select the privacy option.
  • Tap on the block list.
  • Username could be seen under the display name of the person.

There are a lot of people who have kik usernames which provides them a unique identity on the internet. They create these names with the help of bestfinder.me – kik usernames generator or by their own.  One could also find these usernames with the help of the internet for male females belonging from the different age groups and availing it could be beneficial for your friends to find you.